Nabór na EVS w Czechach, DDM KAMARAD

czechyFundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i czeska organizacja DDM KAMARAD poszukują wolontariuszy na projekty EVS w Czechach. Zgłoszenia (CV, list motywacyjny oraz kwestionariusz – do pobrania w ogłoszeniu) prosimy przesyłać na adres oraz na (zgłoszenie należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe).

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 06 grudnia 2015 r.

W treści wiadomości mailowej prosimy dodać:

Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Acronym: FRSP
Adress: Warszawska 6, 311 room, 40-006 Katowice, Silesia region, POLAND
PIC: 934141623
Accreditation number: 2015-1-PL01-KA110-014455
EVS coordinator:
Natalia Podbielska

Celem organizacji jest zapewnienie edukacji czasie wolnym poprzez organizowanie działań takich jak konkursy, wystawy, zajęcia sportowe, rozwijanie umiejętności plastycznych oraz muzycznych, nauk społecznych i nauk przyrodniczych. Wolontariusz będzie miał szansę pracy w zespole z uzdolnioną młodzieżą oraz dziećmi. Wolontariusz powinien posługiwać się językiem angielskim w stopniu komunikatywnym.

Contact person: Ing. Hana Milerová
Coordinating organisation: DDM KAMARAD
Location: Česká Třebová, Czech Republic
Deadline: 06/12/2015
Proposed dates of activities: between the period October 2016 to January 2018 in differante stages.

Description of the organisation
Dum deti a mladeze Kamarad (The House of children and youth Friend) is founded by town Česká Třebová. It was established in order to provide education to children and youth in their leisure time. The organisation has 4 employees for full time and about 40 external leaders of workshops. We offer activities mainly for children and youth from 3 till 18 years old, but also some for adults. The organisation is interested in regular leisure time activities (about 55 workshops), it organizes irregular leisure time activities, holiday activities, competitions and exhibitions in the fields of sport, art, music, social sciences and natural sciences. We also manage exhibitions and performances in cooperation with the town hall (before Easter and Christmas time), where we exhibit the works of children from kinder gardens, schools and organisations of different fields of public life. During our activities we cooperate a lot with some organisations in our town such as library, museum, cultural centre, mothers’ centre, school of art, basic schools, The red cross. We prepare performances for old people.

We cooperate with our town hall and the school for children with social problems. For already two years we have been successful with projects of Ministry of Internal Affairs concerning the children who are in danger of becoming social exclusion. On Fridays of several months we have been preparing leisure activities such as cooking, reading, theatre workshops and competitions.

Proposed activities for EVS volunteers:

We would like to provide a chance for young people from various countries to learn about our country, culture and our organisation, and to help volunteers to form their own private opinion. When young people arrive to a foreign country, they experience situations which are different in different countries. Due to the understanding of one culture a space for understanding and tolerace towards the other culture opens. In our organization volunteer participates in activities in the course of which he (she) meets other people and realises what effect work with children and youth in leisure time has on him(her). The volunteer learns how to organise games and activities, summer and winter camps, competitions and exhibitions. Volunteer’s ideas and activities are a contribution to our community. They enable children, youth and also adults to meet different cultures and opinions.
Our organisation offers to volunteer possibilities to work with small children and their parents, possibilities to teach the parents his(her) mother tongue, assist the leaders of the workshops, assist in sports and cultural activities including theatre performances for children. All these activities are to prove and to show that cooperation and mutual understanding is possible between representatives of different nationalities and religions.
It is important for our volunteers to see, to experience the life in Czech Republic, something they can’t manage to do being just tourists: the history habits, tarditions, behaviour, some inner sides of family life, find new friends, and just the way of life here.

The volunteers will live in a flat in a block of flats. Each volunteer will have his/her own room. The volunteers will share a kitchen and a bathroom. Flat is not in the centre of town. It is far away about 2 km. Volunteers could use public transport or bicycle. Travel costs of public transport we will reimburse.

Our organisation will provide money to volunteers to buy their own food. During activities such as summer camps or weekend activities they will eat in a camp canteen.

Language training
Our organisation will prepare a Czech language course for the volunteers led by a staff member.

Pocket money
After our experience we divide pocket money for one month in two payments. When is necessary is possible to give also extraordinary paid-on with compensation later.

The typical activities of our volunteers are: preparing material and activities for workshops, helping to organise exhibitions, language courses, activities for small children. Volunteers participate in courses of House of Children according to their interest. They usually assist to the leaders of the workshops, but they can also organise their own activities or workshops.They participate in help with preparation of irregular activities and summer camps. After one half of their stay they can prepare a presentation with discussion for inhabitants about differences between their our and their country cultures and habits.
An individual course of Czech language is held for the volunteers to help them with better comunication with local community. If the volunteer is interested in other forms of education, it is possible to manage it.
During a school year, volunteers participate in regular leisure time activities. The activities take place in the afternoon, mainly from 2.00 till 6.00 pm.
Examples of activities, that can be choosen (it’s up to the volunteer):
– European youth club – main content of this club is a discussion about the member states of the European Union and their cultures, differences,… Thanks to the presence of a volunteer, young people will meet opinions of different cultures. They will be able to understand and tolerate better in this confrontation.
– Music club – children learn to play musical instrument. According to the volunteer’s wish and abilities he can participate in these courses, to help with the work on an orchestral composition and preparation of children for concerts and performances.
– Sports games – activities of these clubs are swiming, skiing, skating, ball games, running, survival activities… The volunteer can prepare an amusing programme for each meeting.
– School for very small children.
– Pottery workshop – to work with clay, to model, to glaze and then to bake in a ceramic furnace. Volunteer may propose objects which he/she will do with children and youth.
– Sikulka– in this workshop the leader develops the children’s sense of art and supports their creativity.
– Exercises for small children.
– Dancing workshop – preparation of dancing performance and preparation of an amusing programme for each meeting
– Activities for leasure time at The basic practical school (cultural and sports activities)
– Activities with old people at The red cross (workshops, clothing centre)
– Activities with disabled people at The center for disabled (workshops, helping)

Irregular leisure time activities run during the entire year. For example: weekend trips, competitions, exhibitions, weekend activities, summer and winter camps… Below there are some examples of what the volunteer can do at these irregular events.

Carnival for children and youth – production of tickets, production of costumes, preparation of
competitions, aids and participation in the carnival dressed as a character from a fairy tale.

Weekend trips – reservation of transport, accommodation, meal, preparation and leadership of
moving activities during the stay.

Here’s an example of a volunteer’s working day (which includes no more than 6 hours, including
Czech language course )

8.00 – 10.00 preparation of activities for children at The basic practical school
13.00 – 17.00 activities with children at The basic practical school
9.00 – 15.00 preparation of sports activities, attendance at school for very small children
10.00 – 11.30 Czech language course
12.00 – 16.00 preparation of irregular activities
9.00 – 11.00 preparation of topics for the European youth club
13.00 – 17.00 participation in Sikulka
8.00 – 12.00 preparation of irregular activities
17.00 – 19.00 meeting with a mentor
Saturday: day off
Sunday: day off

10.00 – 12.00 preparation of activities for old people in The red cross
13.00 – 17,00 activities with old people in The red cross
9.00 – 11.00 attendance at school for very small children
13.00 – 17.00 participation of a pottery workshop
10.00 – 11.30 Czech language course
13.00– 15.30 preparation of irregular activities
15.30 – 17.30 meeting with a mentor
9.00 – 11.00 attendance at school for very small
14.00 – 18.00 work with disabled people
8.00 – 12.00 preparation of irregular activities
14.00 – 16.00 work on a volunteer’s project
Saturday: day off
Sunday: day off

Time schedule is flexible for volunteers but its necessary to respect the time of the workshops.
The volunteers attend a course in the Pedagogical Centre for Education.
If the voluteers have weekend activities, they will have days off in working days.

Volunteer profiles and recruitment process:

We are open for all young people, who are interested in working with children, youngsters and adults. Our activities are for small children with their parents, mainly for children from basic schools, we try to start activities for youngsters who are at their twenties – European youth club. We have several music activities and so we will be pleased to have a volunteer who knows to play an instrument, but it is not the main condition. We organise clubs of cooking, workshops handy hands, theatre performances with and for small children.

After several years of realisation of EVS we have only a very good experience with sending organisations and so we would like to continue our cooperation with these organisations, but we don’t want to restrict interests of young people who want to work with us.

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