EVS w Turcji, Municipality Academy – Malkara

EVS w TurcjiEVS w Turcji to wspólna propozycja Urzędu Miasta Malkara (Malkara Municipality) we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego. Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres mailowy natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu oraz na didemyildirim__@hotmail.com (zgłoszenie należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe jednocześnie!).
W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: Municipality Academy EVS – Polish candidateAplikacje nie zawierające takiego tematu wiadomości nie będą rozpatrywane. 

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 30 lipca 2017r.

W treści wiadomości mailowej prosimy dodać:

Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Acronym: FRSP
Adress: Warszawska 6, 311 room, 40-006 Katowice, Silesia region, POLAND
PIC: 934141623
Accreditation number: 2015-1-PL01-KA110-014455
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska

Ciekawa propozycja współpracy z Urzędem Miasta Malkara, w Turcji, w ramach EVS. Głównym celem projektu jest zapewnienie społeczności lokalnej Malkary europejskiej interakcji, aby wspierać miejscowe osoby szczególnie potrzebujące dzieci, kobiety i młodzież (którzy cierpią na kulturalny i ekonomiczny deficyt)  oraz zwiększyć możliwość uczestniczenia w życiu społecznym. W tym celu, samorząd terytorialny organizuje programy samodzielnego rozwoju oraz kursy i działania edukacyjne. Do zadań wolontariuszy należeć będzie prowadzenie warsztatów muzycznych i artystycznych, kursów szycia, baletu, kursów językowych, Projektowania biżuterii itp. Poza tym, zgodnie z wymaganiami, zostaną otwarte nabory na  nowe kursy i warsztaty, zgodnie z umiejętnościami i chęciami wolontariuszy.

Contact person: Didem YILDIRIM
Coordinating and Receiving organisation: Malkara Municipality
Location: Malkara, Turkey
Deadline: 30/07/2017
Start/End: From: 01/09/2017 To: 28/02/2018(5 months)

Description of the project:
Bringing volunteers qualification, new information and skills, powers/non-formal education as using activities within the planned projects is main aim of Malkara Municipality that is sending, hosting and coordinating organisation in the working life of the direct and indirect participants.
Preparing the necessary environment for volunteers, providing traditional recovery and discovering new rituals, learning foreing language, communication, teamwork which is important for personal development:
*Opportunities to acquire knowledge and competence
*Building communicate and working ability to work with disadvantaged people
*Gaining language skills and reading and writing Turkish
*Team working skills
* Bringing new innovations to work with young as using new methods
*Gaining new friendships
* Exploring the traditions and habits of a new culture.
* Learning in natural areas of Malkara and Turkey
* Social and international capabilities
*Taking responsibility for disadvantaged groups

The proposed activities in project create value for volunteers to participate in more specific sub-activities according to their own interests and abilities. we are working in three areas (entertainment, education, and practice) for accomplish the main goals and being able to engage in sub-actions.
* Support for disadvantaged groups
*The promotion of activities / Volunteering
* The sensitivity of the topic, formation of practical application, the development of the
information field
* Building their autonomy of volunteers
* Giving a new way of life for volunteers
*Equipment with concepts of self-confidence and individuality
* Provision of Education and training opportunities for young people interested in the social
*During the Project volunteers will work together Turkish consultants

Proposed Activities:

In Academy, there are ten different free courses and workshop options. These are music; painting; sewing; ballet; intelligent games; language courses; educational courses; jewelry design; chess and drama. Apart from these, in accordance with demands, new courses and workshop fields are to be opened. Volunteers will take part in works which involve sharing necessary information about intended population, planning practices, guiding intended population which contains children, women and youth, designing new ateliers, planning social and massive activities by working with professional educators. With this project, sharing information and experiences among countries, European interaction of project and forming associations will be encouraged

The aim of the project is to carry the works which are conducted in the body of Malkara Municipality into the international platform with EVS and to provide them with European interaction so as to support the local people especially needy children, women, youth who are culturally and economically deficient and to increase the possibility of them to take part in social life. It is aimed to increase the welfare level and to support rural and social development by perpetuating the social studies focusing on children, women and youth; also, by promoting the participation of the Roman people in social life, who have inadequate opportunities. For this reason, ateliers, self-development programs and education courses and activities are organised in the body of municipality.

With the project presented, it is planned to involve 2 volunteering participation in the 5 months process for the purpose of diversifying the project with volunteers; cross-culture education; making the good methods and practices feasible. Works that will be done within the context of project are conducting studies and works based on voluntariness in order to promote children, women and youth participation in social life with the ateliers in Academy.

In Academy, there are ten different free courses and workshop options. These are music; painting; sewing; ballet; intelligent games; language courses; educational courses; jewelry design; chess and drama. Apart from these, in accordance with demands, new courses and workshop fields are to be opened. Volunteers will take part in works which involve sharing necessary information about intended population, planning practices, guiding intended population which contains children, women and youth, designing new ateliers, planning social and massive activities by working with professional educators. With this project, sharing information and experiences among countries, European interaction of project and forming associations will be encouraged. For this purpose, volunteers will be in charge of conducting self-improvement studies which last one hour between 10:00 and 17:00 on each weekday in the Academy

– Trainings
– Monitoring and Prevention
– Meetings with students (public domain) / presentations, discussions, workshops
– Formal Education- Non – Formal Education / Rights and obligations of volunteers , the sending and the hosting organization- complying with the requirements of EVS

This project will provide the necessary facilities to present a personal project. During the EVS volunteers will contribute to the promotion of the host country by using their creative and innovative ideas. Festivals and traditions will be held at In the main building (Malkara Municipality) and additional service building (Malkara Municipality Academy)

Practical arrangements:
Firstly; After arrival, organization is required to make disclosure to incoming volunteers about accommodation, meals, spending hours and program activities, holidays, , weekends-related Duties and responsibilities.

Accommodation and food:
Volunteers will stay in apartments equipped with 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom.

Pocket money (80 euro for each volunteers) will be given at the beginning of each month. 170 euro for each volunteers will be given for their food expense at the beginning of each month. Or according to their demands we will make a deal with a restaurant for three meals a day for them. When the deal is made with restaurant, food expenses won’t be given.

Working Hours:
Volunteers shall conduct the planned activities for a period of 6 hours per day and 5 days per week. The lunch break hours are flexible.

Local Transportation:
The need for public transport will not be required. If transportation needed in any case, these facilities shall be ensured by the organization. Volunteers will be taken from the airport by the officers of the organization.

Foreign Language Support
During the EVS volunteer will provide an opportunity to study Turkish language by Malkara Municipality.

Volunteer profile:
Volunteers must be ambitious and motivated individuals who want to show their knowledge and skills. They must consider teamwork. It is important to have interest in fine arts. (If possible ) It is necessary to know a little English.
We need to two volunteers and volunteers need to be between the ages of 18-30.

You are able to get to know more from our INFOPACK: Munic Academy info and Detailed infopack for evs

EVS w Turcji. EVS w Turcji . EVS w Turcji , EVS w Turcji. 
EVS w Turcji  EVS w Turcji  EVS w Turcji, EVS w Turcji. EVS w Turcji.EVS w Turcji