EVS w Grecji to wspólny projekt Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i organizacji ORFEAS A.M.K.E.. Poszukujemy wolontariuszy na zaakceptowany do dofinansowania projekt EVS w miejscowości Vasiliko, nad samym morzem, niedaleko Koryntu.
Zgłoszenia zawierające CV oraz list motywacyjny w j. angielskim prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu.
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 09/09/2018
Aby aplikować na projekty EVS konieczne założenie jest konta na platformie Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en. W CV prosimy umieścić swój kod uczestnika nadany na platformie. To nowy wymóg narzucony przez Komisję Europejską.
Naszym głównym celem jest wypracowanie pozytywnego podejścia do wolontariatu i edukacji pozaformalnej. Organizacja Orfeas ma nadzieję, że zacznie ponownie bardziej angażować grupę docelową w działania lokalne. Poprzez prowadzone biuro informacji przez wolontariusza, pokażemuy młodym ludziom z regionu, wiek od 16-30 lat z jakich możliwości mogą skorzystać.
Naszym celem jest umożliwienie nieformalnego doświadczenia, możliwości uczenia się międzykulturowego, zachęcania do ich integracji społecznej, aktywnego uczestnictwa, zwiększania szans na zatrudnienie i dawania szans na okazanie solidarności z młodzieżą z różnych krajów. Dzięki zaangażowaniu wolontariusza EVS wspierać będziemy rozwój inicjatyw młodzieżowych w społeczności lokalnej, informując młodzież i organizacje pozarządowe możliwościach i projektach z jakich można korzystać w ramach UE.
Miejsce: Vasiliko/Xilokastro, Corinth( 20200 Vasiliko), Grecja
Organizacja koordynująca i wysyłająca: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Organizacja przyjmująca: ORFEAS A.M.K.E, Oficjalna strona www: Orfeas.org
Daty aktywności wolontariuszy: 6 miesięcy, 186 dni – 07/11/2018 do 07/05/2019
Ilość wolontariuszy: 1
Receiving Organizzation description:
Orfeas Organization is a sending-host and coordinating organization in the field of European youth program since 2000 and act as local coordinating organization in cooperation with the Municipality of Velo-Vocha and the Municipality of Xylokastro-Evrostinis. We run youth information offices coordinating the programs of the municipalities, but also provide information to young people about their possibilities in international mobility. In the information office we host international volunteers to support the work of the organization but also to give “live” example to local young people.
We are host/ coordinating and sending organization as well and we keep on hosting and sending volunteers because we recognize the importance of living abroad and helping other people. These programs are benefits for the volunteer as well as for the organization and the local community to get to know other culture, overcome cultural differences, and develop social sensitivity that can be useful in point of future. They will also gain more self-esteem and self-confidence through social work. In addition, they will acquire experience and skills on working in this field, which may prove useful for their professional future.
Proposed tasks:
Volunteer will support the everyday activities of the organization in the fields of Office work and coordination of the projects, youth work, media projects..etc.
1.Help in realization mobility projects:
– Help the youth workers of the organization by calling the volunteers from the programes Orfeas coordinate for announcements, messages, and plan changes.
– Send emails for proposed projects of Orfeas to organizations in all EU;
– Pass material like papers-forms- tasks to the other volunteers etc.
– Support to keep open the information office for the public with the staff of the organization
– Prepare the information material for the future volunteers and send by post in cooperation with the youth workers
– Promotion of the Orfeas coordinated programs in EU organizations by the help of social networks
– Prepare material for the EVS presentations in the local schools and implement those presentations
– Call the volunteers for information, meetings with the trainers, mentors, staff etc.
– Help to organize the monthly tickets of the volunteers (see if is national celebrations days off, vacations etc. for every volunteer)
– Organize the materials of the ex -volunteers (blankets, keys, and help to prepare the hosting of the new volunteers
– Organize the personal projects data base of the volunteers on duty
2.Youth work
– Promote the EVS in the local schools
– Prepare of Greek EVS volunteers going abroad
– Participate in the preparation of the new coming Orfeas volunteers
– Provide open information office for the public concerning on the EU programmes and projects as well as multicultural cafes for youngsters.
-Prepare announcements, messages and plan changes; prepeare the content of message/advert/leaflet adapted to the recipient;
-Prepare lefleats and posters about European Programmes opportunities for youth
3.Media project
– Media project ( interview Greek and European volunteers with video for the orfeas website)
– Work on Facebook of the organization, myspace, and twitter; uploading information
– Go on forums about EVS and uploading information
– Make press realizes for the website in English
– Prepare PowerPoint presentations about the programs of the volunteers Orfeas coordinates
– Work on the website of Orfeas like -orfeasEVSblog : upload pictures, videos with interviews from the volunteers saying few words promoting the outcomes of the evs projects.
Accommodation, Food, Pocket Money
Accommodation: The long -term group of volunteers will live all together in orfeasEVShome, a flat in the centre of the town.
• four bedrooms
• one living-room
• kitchen
• three bathrooms
• four balconies, big roof top
The volunteers are responsible to keep the flat clean, set a cleaning schedule and follow it.
The volunteer is going to receive 150,00 EUR per month – pocket money as well as 100,00 EUR per month for food. In total 250,00 EUR per month. If necessary the costs of local transport will be covered by Orfeas.
The travel to Geece and way back to Poland are covered (the grant is 275,00 EUR in both ways).
Who are we looking for?
The receiving organziations don’t expect any special qualification from the candidates who apply for the voluntary position, the most important in this type of the projects is the motivation and the interest of the volunteer to take part in the program and join the activities.
The essential criteria will be such things as:
– Awareness of expectations of volunteering, the knowladge about the country, city and the local community abroad;
– How ready or motivated the candidate is for the experience;
– Knowledge of the project i.e. has the applicant clearly researched the project and not sent out a ‘blanket’ email.
We expect the candidate will be really motivated and interested in the project he/she will be flexible and cooperative. We think that EVS is a perfect tool and chance to learn a new language, although a basic level of English is recommended but not compulsory. We are interested in people who are enthusiastic, creative, communicative, open-minded, socially sensitive and supporting the idea of tolerance, respect and cooperation between cultures, willing to share their experience and knowledge with the others and willing to turn their ideas into action as one of the aim of receiving organization is to create space for the personal development of the youngster creating space and opportunity to express themselves and their will.
How to apply:
To apply for our project the volunteer should send us their CV in Europass format and motivation letter. Send us your application documents not later than 31st of August 2018, to: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu.
Before taking the final decision it will be important to realize short phone-interviews (skype) with the candidates and know each other. After deciding who was chosen to participate in our project, all interested parties (SO as well as all of candidates, will be informed about selection results.