Krótkoterminowy EVS w Chorwacji, EUfluencer

Krótkoterminowy EVS w ChorwacjiKrótkoterminowy EVS w Chorwacji to wspólna propozycja organizacji OCEAN ZNANJA U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ (OCEAN OF KNOWLEDGE IN CROATIA) we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego. Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV oraz specjalny formularz aplikacyjny: OceanZnanja_Applicationform-1 w języku angielskim na adres mailowy:

W tytule wiadomości należy wpisać EUfluencer Croatia. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 8 lipca 2018r.

Miejsce: Zagrzeb, Chorwacja
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 08/07/2018
Rozpoczęcie wolontariatu: 01/09/2018
Zakończenie wolontariatu: 27/10/2018
Czas trwania: wolontariat krótkoterminowy, 59 dni*
Dostępne wolne miejsca: 1 wolontariusz z Polski

Biorąc udział w projekcie krótkoterminowym możecie wziąć udział w EVS jeszcze drugi raz, tak by suma obu wolontariatów nie przekroczyła 12 miesięcy.

project description
The aim of the project:
To influence young population through social media to get involved in active life within their community promoting the European values. The main idea is that the participants followed by their own interests create a social media image of fun and active life of youth in Zagreb, leaded by the ongoing events at the moment they are living in Zagreb.

The second main idea that would follow is to create a city map, through challenges that coordinator will provide to volunteers, with the marked spaces and events which will be used by Zagreb community and international community in Zagreb (such as Erasmus+ volunteers, Erasmus students, and all the others).
The final product of the project will be an Online map, that will also be promoted through social media accounts “EUfluencer”.

The projects aims to boost skills, inclusion, participation, modernize learning and education, focusing on young people’s way of living promoting EU values.

The project will impact improving the level of key competences and skills, increase social inclusion and make young people positive trend builders. It will be a combination of formal, non-formal and informal learning; emphasizing the European added values. The project aims to solve inactive youth issue and encourage young people to be more active by influence them through social media trends promoting values like:  healthy lifestyle, self-development, youth opportunities, youth mobility, EU citizenship, international community, active way of living, tolerance, solidarity and self-initiative.

accommodation, food and transport arrangements
Accommodation is fully covered and free of charge.
The facilities are fully equipped with furniture,conditioners and independent heating system. There is also internet connection to the whole area.
You will be living with 4 people in an apartment and share a room with a person of the same gender

Travel budget: 275 Euros – travel tickets can be bought through Ocean Znanja
Food money for 4 weeks: 150 Euros
Pocket money for 4 weeks: 120 Euros

The participants have private insurance by CIGNA, which covers all their needs for the whole duration of their project and even after that (for a one month extra after return).

training during the project
Once a week volunteers will have Croatian language course.

volunteer profile
The participants for this project will be young people:
– Aged from 18 to 30 years
– Motivated to work on the topic of EU citizenship, healthy lifestyle, intercultural community, youth opportunities and social media
– Have basic English speaking skills
– Motivated to learn about Croatian culture and language
– Motivated to research about youth interests and gather information about them by creating the map of youth events and spaces around the City of Zagreb
– Motivated to work with social media platforms managing the account EUfluencer
– Motivated to learn and gain new experiences and skills regarding to the 8 key competences, mostly referring on digital competence, social and civic competence, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and  cultural awareness and expression
– To be easy to communicate with, flexible and responsible

The main qualities we are expecting from the participants for the project EUfluencer are: Eager to learn, responsible, accepting challenges, having self-initiative, tolerant and being open-minded.

how to apply
Interested candidates should send their CV and application form: OceanZnanja_Applicationform-1 in English to Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a Skype interview.


Krótkoterminowy EVS w Chorwacji. Krótkoterminowy EVS w Chorwacji, Kótkoterminowy EVS w Chorwacji. Krótkoterminowy EVS w Chorwacji, Krótkoterminowy EVS w Chorwacji. Krótkoterminowy EVS w Chorwacji.
Krótkoterminowy EVS w Chorwacji