EVS w Mołdawii to wspólna propozycja organizacji OWH TV Studio we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego. Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres mailowy natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 8 kwietnia 2018r.
Mamy dla Was propozycję projektu kulturalnego. Stając się wolontariuszem EVS w organizacji OWH TV Studio będziecie mieli okazję wykorzystywać środki audiowizualne, prowadzić edukację poprzez wykorzystywanie filmów, prowadzić szkolenia dla młodzieży i dzieci z zakresu produkcji telewizyjnej i filmowej, odkrywać i wykorzystywać nowe technologie audio i wideo. Dodatkowym atutem jest praca przy organizacji Festiwalu filmowego IDFF CRONOGRAF (Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmów Dokumentalnych). Więcej szczegółów poniżej.
Receiving organisation: OWH TV Studio
Location: Chisinau, Moldova
Deadline: 08/04/2018
Duration: long term (12 months)
Prefarable start: October 2018/ November 2018
Placements: 2 volunteers
The “The value of audiovisual education” project goals are:
-combine the production with educative aspects,mainly based on the respect for human rights
-Moving topics (during festival,round tables, ectures etc) valuable for whole EU as social and human values,friendship,education, healthy living, setting of goals etc
-education through film promotion – a program of educative documentaries, designed for primary and secondary school students, aged between the ages of 8-12 to teach them critical thinking skills,broadening their intellectual and artistic horizons
-instructing young people,children and professionals on TV and cinema production
-showing the importance and value of education through audiovisual media, and especially through the documentary
-brings films and artists across the world and creates a space for connection and future collaborations between local and foreign filmmakers
-discovering and using new audio and visual technologies
-entering the international markets as an independent entity of video productions
-creating TV and creative productions of highest quality in Moldova
-promoting the local productions abroad, promoting the cinematography in Moldova
The project activities will be divided in two directions.
– The first direction is formed by the activities we do throughout the year, namely video productions and trainings on media/cinema. It is some kind of laboratory where youngsters who bind their proffesional future wuth TV producing and filmmaking. There they will have the possibility to develop their skills in the field of audio and video technologies.
– The second one is to organize international documentary film festival in Chisinau (IDFF CRONOGRAF, www.cronograf.md)-at the moment the only international documentary film festival in Moldova. Being an NGO with a cultural profile, the mediums we work with are cultural organizations and state institutions in the capital and in the regions. Our EVS volunteer have the opportunity to learn about cultural partnerships at local and international level.
Our partners, clients or collaborators are part from the economic environment, human right organizations, state institutions and last but not least, part of the artistic medium of R.Moldova: actors, directors, musicians. The work involved in order to organize the festival starts with 6 months before the event which takes place in May. During the festival together with the volunteer we will “run” between the two basic locations of the festival: the studio and the theatre hall were the screenings take place and other venues – depending on the other events that are organized.
More specifically,the proposed activitie are the following:
1.Ongoing activities in OWH Studio
-participation in social videos and creative documentaries production,starting with the concept and continuing with the shootings.The volunteer will assist the film team and may also participate as actors in our video productions if she wish so
-writing and producing cultural projects/cinema trainings: The EVS volunteerwill search for possible grant programs within the audio-visual production field,will write and develop projects and apply for granting of the developed projects.He/she will assist in seminars and trainings organized by OWH in the field of audio-video
-organising and implementing various art&culture projects and programs,art management,art production and audiovisual education;familiarisation with the local artistic context and socio-cultural life of south-eastern country
-orginising round tables for youngsters about human rights using audiovisual techniques(movie screening,sound editing,mix video and audio with tablets or computers,digital photography workshop etc)
-preparation and implementation program of educative documentary movies,designed for primary and secondary school students. During screening and lectures will be moved topics as social and human values,friendship,healthy living,peace, democracy etc
Phase 1
-call for entries
-correspondence with the film-makers submitting documentaries for the festival
-establishing a data base for the entries
-film copies
-assistance during periodic meetings with the pre-selection jury
-periodic meetings with the team in order to establish the concept for the next edition of the festival
-developing concept of the printed materials (poster,catalog,program,tickets and passes)
-developing concept for the video and audio spot
-programs outside the competition (thematical film screenings,workshops and master-classes,round tables etc.)
Phase 2:
After several meetings,a concept will be established and the tasks will be splitted. The volunteer will be actively involved in these activities (e.g.will participate in producing the video advertising for the international documentary Film Festival CRONOGRAF,will help in producing the printed materials,will be part of the organizing team for the out of competition events–preparing the program, contacting the potential participants and tutors and helping with promotion by various media and internet means).
-assistance in making the invitations and distributing them to the state institutions,embassies and to the person close to the festival, distributing posters
-the production of other materials for the festival(e.g.public sympathy flyers)
-preparing the bags for the festival guests
Phase 3:
-assistance during the screening at the cinema hall
-assistance during the Opening Ceremony and Gala Awards Ceremony
-technical assistance during the opening and closing ceremony and during the screenings: arranging the cinema hall for the festival, light and sound assistance, screening assistance
-helping to sell-off catalogues &tickets and passes
-preparing the diplomas
-continuously provision of catalogues
Volunteer profile:
The EVS volunteers should have a good interpersonal comunication, autonomy, sense of iniciative and creativity. He or she should have a good knowladges about values and principles of European Voluntary Service. Another important point is that the EVS should be motivated to work for the receiving organisation and the other social partners part of the project.As OWH Studio was looking for someone motivated, enthusiastic and willing to work at the art field, age and gender were secondary elements.