Wolontariat we Włoszech – EVS al centro

flaga italy“EVS al centro” to propozycja Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i włoskiej organizacji Parrocchia dei Santi Faustino e Giovita. Poszukujemy wolontariusza (płci męskiej, wiek 22-25) na  EVS w Chiari . Zgłoszenia (list motywacyjny i CV w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres aleksandra.skrabel@frsp.eu. W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisywać “EVS al centro”. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 20.08.2018

Coordinating/Receiving organisation: Parrocchia dei Santi Faustino e Giovita
Location: Chiari, Italy
Deadline: 20.08.2018
Duration: 03.10.2018 – 03.08.2019 (11 months)

Description of the project
EVS AL CENTRO is an EVS project addressed to 4 guys coming from Poland, Turkey, Bosni and Albania. We intend to provide a strong learning experience through an operative full-time role in the organization. These guys will have theopportunity to integrate into activities with ideas, creativity and experience; we would like to guarantee the service to the local community through non-profit activities, emphasizing the intercultural dimension and the possibility of non-formal learning .

The general objectives are :
– To live an unique experience abroad especially in Italy
– To have the opportunity to do a new and an engaging thing
– To know new people, meet new friends and other volunteers from other countries (to promote knowledge, dismantle
stereotypes and offer opportunities to meet and to develop a critical ability)
– To know another country, another language a new culture and new ways of life.
– To develop new competences and skills such as empathy and social competences
Professional objectives are: to connect EVS with their educations, To connect the EVS project with their choice of studies ( professional orientation), to have the opportunity to work in a educative environment side by side with highly qualified and competent personnel, To develop their skills and competences in educative methods,

-Improving their indipendence ,innovation, creativity, patient, communication, cooperation and working on group’s sense.
Activities that volunteers will perform can be divided into two main periods:
– Winter CASA DI ALICE, LUDOTECA CG2000 (Medie /Elementari) , PEDIBUS, DREAMBAR,
– Summer activities: GREST.
The welcome period will be very important for Volunteers’ introduction into the project. During the initials two weeks generally the volunteers will be attended during him/her places and people’s knowing.
During this first period the tutor will support and attend them into the project’s knowledge, trying to support them and trying to overcome certain adaptation’s difficulties.
Gradually volunteers will be introduced into activities and, with the support of the project’s responsible, can observe strong points and critical situations, evaluating during daily activates him/her attitudes and skills.
Together it’s possible also to modify some project’s elements.
The project’s evaluation will be do in itinere, both an activities’ evaluation, and a personal growth and no-formal
learning’s evaluation.
There will be also periods of more structural analysis, such as a middle term and a final evaluation.
According with volunteers’ skills and according with the youth Center’s activities, through the cooperation with the
sending organization and the volunteer, this personal project was written:
The activities period shall start on 03/10/2018 and end on 03/08/2019
POCKET MONEY : 5€ per Day – 150€ per Month – TOTAL: 1530€

Practical Arrangements
Volunteers will be hosted by the Youth Centre 2000 (there’s a private apartment for EVS volunteers and It’s meeting point for the other youngsters who live voluntary experience). Volunteers will have the opportunity to live an experience
of community life: bedrooms must be shared if there are more volunteers in the same time, like kitchen and bathrooms.
Volunteers hosted by Centro Giovanile 2000 are kindly asked to be open to share a kind of common life with others volunteers who give their services to Centro Giovanile 2000:
– to share some places and times
– to be accessible and to become availabe to a point of contact
– mutual respect
– to become available to work and service
– to be open-minded for discussion about common topics.
The common experience of life consists some rules which should be respected as base for living all the rest well.
1. In every places mentioned, it’s kindly asked to wear dignity clothes and to share common life, it’s kindly asked to avoid excessive noise.
2. Do not smoke in the building – according to art. 51 law 3 of 16th January 2003 which came into force January
10th 2005. This law provides for not smoking in public buildings.
3. To provide with kitchen’s supplies it’s available a monthly budget. When a person goes to shopping he/she
should consider everybody’s tastes, but it’s kindly asked to avoid useless buys.
4. Periodical meetings will be organized for planning programs and checking the latest events.
Note: when we said “at only volunteers’ deposal” it means that kitchen and rooms are private, only for volunteers’ that are giving their services to our Organization.
In the kitchen can be organized by all volunteers exceptional community meetings where they can invite people.
1.Rooms should be kept in order and cleaned by the volunteers organizing their cleaning turns.
2.There’re two bedrooms shared between males and females for an exclusive use of the volunteers including its cleaning.
3.Rooms are reserved for the volunteers, it cannot be a meeting point for friends or other person. For this occasion
should be used common places of Centro Giovanile.
4. Any event of hosting friends or parents has to be agreed with the Priest or the keeper/guardian.
5.Rooms are divided between males and females, which rule is valid for the accommodation of guests as well.
6. To mutual respect & to guarantee the rest, it’s kindly asked to avoid excessive noise especially after 11.00 p.m.
1. In the appartment there’s also the loundry.
2. In the apartment there’s a wireless Internet account, to any volunteer will be given the access code. There’s also an internet room that volunteers and community can use. This room can be use during free time but not longer then 11.00 p.m. The room’s key is in secretary’s office. Each volunteer has a personal key of secretary’s office.
3.The keys of the entrance door of Centro Giovanile, the keys of the room and the bathroom were given to every volunteer. When a volunteer goes away for some days, he/she’s gently asked to give the keys to the keeper.